Search Committee
The Search Committee is part of the process established by the Diocese of New Westminster in the search for a new priest. The Search Committee has the following members – Jim Kelly (chair), Alison Cameron, Fran Hancock, Wendy Robson, Ann Turner, Penny Daniell, Marion Dolphin, Marian Moat.
The process is a time of intentional reflection for the parish. Each “Chat and Chew” session has given us the opportunity to reflect on: what we do well; what are our concerns and challenges; and what we hope to find in a new priest. The questions shared to date are as follows:
- What do you value / appreciate about St. George’s?
- What are your concerns / challenges for St. George’s?
- What are your aspirations / dreams for St. George’s?
The Search Committee appreciates all the responses to date and continues to welcome any further input. Responses may be given, or emailed, to any member of the committee; put in the offertory basket or forward to
Mark Your Calendars:
On Saturday, April 27th the Search Committee will be hosting a Town Hall meeting: 10:00AM – 12:00PM in the hall. The Venerable Andrew Halladay has kindly offered to facilitate the meeting. Light refreshments will be provided from 9:30 AM onwards. Please plan on attending the meeting as the best parish profiles are developed when input is received from all members of the congregation.